Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What if Our Workspaces Resembled Kindergarten Classrooms?

One of the best things about the full-day preconference day at the MIT Media Lab was exploring the physical space of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group. In the words of its Director, Mitchel Resnick:
"We are inspired by the ways children learn in kindergarten: when they create pictures with finger paint, they learn how colors mix together; when they create castles with wooden blocks, they learn about structures and stability. We want to extend this kindergarten style of learning, so that learners of all ages continue to learn through a process of designing, creating, experimenting, and exploring."
Here are some photos Jen and I took of the MIT Media Lab. With its plants and sofas, LEGOs and natural light, work hanging from the ceilings and interesting nooks & crannies, it felt so much like the Hickory, Sequoia and Holly Rooms! Imagine how the world of work might be different if we spent our days working in spaces like this. See for yourselves:

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