Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Day in the Life...Promethean Promo

I was blown away by the private tutorial Barb, Jen and I had this morning with a rep from Promethean.  The interactive board and software are like nothing I've ever seen before.  The built- in resources, which include a library of existing lesson plans across subjects, are astounding.   We three also got to use the voting pads firsthand.  They make our current CPS system seem primitive. Kathleen M and J have got to experience these tools firsthand.  Amazing. Can we have the Bay Area rep come in and give a demo?  Please!!!!  

Darren Karupatwa, high school math teacher from Canada, did a great job of showing an average day of teaching with technology.  He is a Smart Board user extraordinaire.  He has a Blog for every class and uses it in a way that allows kids to teach each other.  Excellent.

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