Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kathleen M's Post - Day 1

Day One Monday, July 14, 2008

I spent the afternoon in a conference with the November Team, same one Curtis did Tuesday; learned and JOINED

Immediate implications?
I loaned money on KIVA, set up multiple accounts, created a leadership in schools doc for the deans and a running agenda for the division heads on Google docs...

I was dizzy.

Luckily, I was rescued by Team MCDS. We had a lovely repas français at AQUITAINE on Tremont St on Bastille Day, le quatorze juillet. Merci, Monsieur Ingraham. What could be a better recovery for a francophile, like me?

And KJ was very patient with my cranky GPS, but I got her back to her B&B before Patti turned me into a pumpkin!

That was Monday...

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I just found a Google Docs document from the session -- check it out:

It looks like an amazing laundry list of resources -- wow!