Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kathleen's Day #4 July 17, 2008


Where to start?

Keynote with John Davitt was entertaining and fun, not too worrisome. He did make me continue to wonder, though...

About how we serve toast, and learning and whether we are even asking the right questions...?

I am wondering about sheep, lord of the rings, "I dream of a world where learning is as important as shopping" OUCH, oh we ugly Americans...

What is the active/passive continuum of the digital native? Can we move our students from consumers to producers...?

Making things
Telling stories
Connecting globally

time to slither under a rock...


Joyce Valenza was ace...
the entire power point is here

Last year’s presentation was about Stone Soup
This year, it’s Pandora

Gettysburg address in powerpoint?
Darfur in Family Guy?
Hamlet as a cut out?

cool stuff; watch the powerpoint...


Is it clear I am weary and worried and watchful and wistful and still worried? (and alliterative?)


I anjoyed Eric Marcos and Math Train and Billy Billy and Bob


Marc Prensky was good and relevant and funny and got under some folks' skin....


it's all about programming...


Kathleen's Kwestions....

Faculty binders?
New faculty orientation?
Parent roundtables?
School calendar?
iGoogle, therefore I am?
What should I be doing differently...?

The five of us (we missed you Matt) started to work through possibilities and what we can bring back....

Everyone else needs to get on here and comment away...


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